Our app brings together the best radios from Curitiba and from all over Paraná. Connecting with Paraná radio stations has never been easier. Do not waste time and enjoy everything that our radio app can offer!🎶 Listen to all cataloged radio stations without headphones;🎶 We organize all radio stations by cities, facilitating the search;🎶 Save favorite radios to the favorites list;🎶 Are you going to take a nap? Activate the Sleep Mode and the radio will turn off at the specified time.Radios from the entire state of Paraná: "Curitiba", "Almirante Tamandaré", "Londrina", "Maringá", "Apucarana", "Pinhais", "Campo Largo", "Ponta Grossa", "Foz do Iguaçu", " Colombo "," Guarapuava "," Paranaguá "," Araucária "," Piraquara "," Cascavel "," Toledo "," São José dos Pinhais "," Arapongas "," Umuarama "," Cambé "and many other cities.The main stations: "Rádio Viola 98.1 FM", "Rádio Gospel 89.3 FM", "Transamérica Radio 100.3 FM", "Rádio Mundi 99.3 FM", "Rádio Clube 101.5 FM", "Rádio Difusora 105.9 FM", "Rádio Onda Sul 98.7 FM "," Rádio Antena Sul 102.7 FM "," Rádio Cultura 93.7 FM "," Rádio BandNews 96.3 FM "," Rádio 98 FM "," Rádio Colméia 98.7 FM "," Rádio Capital 102.7 FM "," Rádio T 99.9 FM "," Rádio Light 95.1 FM "," Rádio FM Verde Vale 94.1 "," Rádio Vale Verde 96.5 FM "," Rádio Massa 95.3 FM "," Rádio Massa 97.7 FM "," Rádio Paiquerê 98.9 FM "," Rádio Alvorada 106.3 FM "," Rádio Vida FM Gospel 104.90 "," Rádio Mundial 90.7 FM "," Rádio BBN 92.3 FM "," Rádio T 93.1 FM "," Rádio Clube 94.1 FM "," Rádio T 104.9 FM "," Rádio Jovempan 103.9 FM "," Rádio Mundo Livre 93.9 FM "," Rádio Ouro Verde 105.5 FM "," Rádio Caiobá 102.3 FM "," Rádio Evangelizar 99.5 FM "," Rádio Novo Tempo 106.5 FM "," Rádio Maringá 97.1 FM "," Rádio Banda B 550 AM "," Rádio Viola 91.7 FM "," Rádio Evangelizar 90.9 FM "," Rádio T 100.9 FM "," Rádio Cana Verde 89.9 FM ", "Rádio Ativa 100.3 FM" and several other municipalities in Paraná.